Conveying the message at a gotong-royong to clean up the beach, Mayor Datuk Abidin Madingkir said a lot of public complaints on the unsatisfactory cleanliness level at Anjung Perdana, especially the smelly drains has been made to the City Hall.
Abidin stressed that maintaining the cleanliness at Tanjung Aru is very crucial because this place is popular for the locals and tourist from abroad.
Eatery operators as well as fruit hawkers at the Tanjung Aru Beach here were reminded to practice proper garbage disposal, instead of dumping them indiscriminately into the drains or on the beach in order to keep the place clean always.
It was part of the Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK) “5-Ks Program” to salvage the rapidly deteriorating image of Tanjung Aru Beach as a “must visit place” for both the local residents and visitors.
The 5-Ks refer to “Kebersihan” (Cleanliness), “Keindahan” (Beauty), “Keselamatan” (Security), “Keteraturan” (Orderliness) and “Kesejahteraan” (Peace).
Abidin also advised members of the public to do not litter the place indiscriminately.
"It is devastating to see the beach was still littered with garbage like foods and drinks containers, cigarette butts even though provision of sufficient garbage bins," he said.
Therefore, he reminded that the maintenance of cleanliness of the place is not solely a responsibility of the DBKK, but a shared responsibility among the residents of Kota Kinabalu City.
While elaborating on the idea and objectives of the 5-Ks Concept, he noted that the gotong-royong exercise was a beginning for the various follow-up actions and strategies that had been identified to enable the Tanjung Aru Beach to achieve the 5-Ks status.
Among the follow-up actions that had been identified are:
1. Improvement of the cleanliness level of the beach;
2. Upgrading of the landscaping through planting of more trees;
3. Improvement of the security aspect by improving the public-safety features such as the lighting facilities, and to conduct regular security patrols;
4. To improve the orderliness of the place especially the hawkers stalls and eateries; and
5. All other actions which required the cooperation and involvement of all quarters.
Semua rakyat ada tanggungjawab masing-masing untuk menjaga kebersihan.
Harap para peniaga terutamanya penjajah di pusat makanan akan menjaga kebersihan sekeliling dan juga penyediaan makanan.
penjagaan kebersihan harus diutamakan, suasana bersih dpt mengelakkan berlaku jangkitan dan memastikan kita hidup dalam keadaan sihat dan selesa.
oleh itu, bersamalah kita menjaga kebersihan.
kebersihan adalah tanggunjawab semua orang.
setiap orang boleh menjaga kebersihan dengan sekurang-kurangnya jangan membuang sampah merata-rata.
Kebersihan adalah sangat penting kerana ia memberikan imej kepada sesuatu tempat. Sudah tentu kita tidak mahu KK mahupun Sabah digelar tempat yang kotor. Sama2lah kita menjaga kebersihan!
Menjaga kebersihan bukanlah satu beban kalau semua berikan kerjasama :)
Ni adalah usaha yang bagus dan harus diteruskan pada masa akan datang.
kalau tidak sanggup kutip sampah, sekurang2nya sama2lah bertanggungjawab dengan tidak membuang sampah merata2.. sampah itu datang bukan secara semulajadi, tetapi disebabkan oleh rakyat sendiri.
pupuk tabiat menjaga kebersihan di kalangan kanak2. nescaya di kemudian hari kesedaran tentang kebersihan akan terus mereka amalkan.
Utamakan kebersihan..Bersih melambangkan bagaimana orang-orang kita. Jadi marilah kita sama-sama menjaga kebersihan.
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