Thursday, September 6, 2012

SEPA meet with YB Pang Yuk Ming about the 64MW Power Plant Project in Taman Millenium.

A delegate from SEPA (Sabah Environmental Protection Association) had met with YB Pang Yuk Ming, Assistant Minister of Infrastructure and Development of Sabah on Monday (13 August 2012) at his office to discuss their concern about the building of the 64MW power plant project in Taman Millenium in Tawau.
A delegation from SESB (Sabah Electrical Sdn Bhd) also came to join in the discussion. SEPA delegation headed by the President Wong Tack started by voicing the resident concern about the hazard of the power plant that was build in close proximity to the residential area especially with the huge fuel tank next to the main streets.
Wong Tack suggested to YB Pang to reconsider and move the power plant outside away from any residential and busy area on a contained safe area. It is not fair for the Taman Millenium resident to take the risk that came out from the power plant if something bad happened they have to pay for it. He also question the decision that was made to put the power plant near to resident area in the first place.
YB Pang Yuk Ming reaffirm to SEPA that the decision was done in proper manner and SESB has the obtain the approval form authority to conduct their project at the site. SESB said, the reason for choosing the site due to save construction time where the Tawau people is in urgent to have a steady supply of power and also that the power plant is safe and the risk is manageable.

YB Pang also added that the power plant must be in Tawau because it at the end of the grid, if anything happen the local resident will have to suffer. He also promise to bring the resident concern to the authority for further consideration but if they still not happy about it, they can take action against it.
“SEPA will always monitor the situation and make the procedure of the power plant followed and will do anything to make sure the people interest be protected . This is a very important humanity and social justice issues. Instead choose to avoid the risk, they decided to let the people to take it.” Wong Tack said during the press session.
SEPA delegate (Wong Tack, Julia Hwang and SM Muthu) greatly appreciate YB Pang Yuk Ming and SESB for having a time to meet them and discuss about this issues concerning the people interest.



Peter Sabahan said...

konflik seperti ini boleh diselesaikan secara baik antara pihak kerajaan dengan NGO pro alam sekitar.. eloklah dalam situasi ini mereka menggunakan rundingan dan perbincangan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tanpa perlu menimbulkan huru hara..

Peter Sabahan said...

bukan mudah untuk pihak kerajaan membuat keputusan untuk melaksanakan pembangunan dan dalam masa yang sama mengambil kira kepentingan penduduk sekitar.. oleh sebab itu, perlu ada perbincangan dan kerjasama dari semua pihak..

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