Sunday, August 25, 2013

Natural gas will help reduce cost, preserve environment

KOTA KINABALU: The usage of natural gas in the industry will help reduce cost and preserve the environment.

Speaking at the Commissioning ceremony of Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd (SEC) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Project via Virtual Pipeline System at Colourcoil Industries Sdn Bhd in Telipok yesterday, Resource Development and Information Technology Minister, Datuk Siringan Gubat said that using the cleaner fuel is akin to contributing to the environment.

“As compared to the traditional fuel source, natural gas is a much cheaper and cleaner fuel. This will translate directly into cheaper operating cost, hence better bottom line. At the same time by using natural gas, the mother earth will thank you for being green.

“We will also be able to preserve our pristine environment and maintain our position as preferred eco-tourism destination,” he said adding that using natural gas is in line with the government’s policy to encourage the use of cleaner energy to drive economic growth.

Compressed Natural Gas Project via virtual pipeline system is a natural gas distributing mode for distant customers, where ‘mother station’ supplies natural gas to ‘daughter stations’ at customers’ premises.

SEC Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Harun Ismail explained that the virtual pipeline system works by having a mother station which is at SEC’s terminal in KKIP.

“CNG is supplied to the customers to their purpose-built daughter stations by lorries. And in order to ensure seamless supply of the fuel, a daughter station monitors the level of gas and automatically order for supply when the gauge is low.

“Upon receiving the order, a lorry laden with CNG will be dispatched to the daughter station from the mother station. The CNG laden containers will roll from the lorry, down to the daughter station purpose-built platform, before the empty containers roll from the platform onto the lorry,” he said adding that all the process are being done without stopping the flow of CNG to the customer’s operations.

Harun said that SEC chose to employ the system due to the high cost involved in building physical piping system to the customers, which renders it uneconomical.

According to him the virtual pipeline system is a proven technology and has been used successfully in many countries including Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, India, Philippines, and Singapore.

“The technology provider of the virtual pipeline system is GNC Galileo of Argentina, which complies with accepted international standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 15500.

“The system was officially launched by the Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Hj Aman in July 2012, and the first gas roll out was achieved 11 months later on June 10, 2013,” he said adding that SEC has a complete team of trained and competent engineers and technicians to assist customers on the gas usage and the supply system.

Harun disclosed that Colourcoil Sdn Bhd is one of seven earliest customers who signed the sale and purchase agreement with SEC.

Also present at the ceremony were Argentine Ambassador to Malaysia, Maria Isabel Rendon, CNG Galileo S A, Asia Pacific Regional Manager, Juan Ojenguren, and Colourcoil Sdn Bhd Managing Director, Roger Ling.

Penduduk Borneo Perlu Lindungi Beruang Madu

SANDAKAN 31 Julai - Melindungi habitat bagi hidupan liar yang tergolong sebagai antara haiwan paling ikonik di dunia serta membantu perjalanan pusat perlindungan haiwan terancam, bukan menjadi tanggungjawab kerajaan, pertubuhan bukan kerajaan dan penyelidik semata-mata, tetapi juga orang ramai.

Pengasas dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Pusat Pemuliharaan Beruang Madu Borneo (BSBCC), Wong Siew Te berkata, oleh kerana manusia dan hidupan liar menjadi sebahagian daripada ekosistem, maka penduduk setempat juga perlu bersedia menghulurkan bantuan untuk menyelamatkan spesies terancam.

Merujuk kepada acara 'Big Dreams, Little Bears' yang diadakan di sini baru-baru ini, Wong berkata melalui kerjasama dengan sukarelawan tempatan, BSBCC berjaya mengumpul sumbangan RM443,000, hampir seperempat daripada anggaran RM2 juta yang diperlukannya pada tahun ini untuk menyiapkan pembinaan kandang kedua untuk Beruang Madu, penyediaan kawasan hutan tambahan dan sebagai kos operasi harian pusat berkenaan.

"Saya harap penduduk Sandakan menganggap pusat ini sebagai milik mereka juga kerana hasil penglibatan mereka secara langsung atau tidak langsung, membolehkan pusat ini wujud seperti yang ada sekarang dan akan terus maju pada masa akan datang.

"Apabila dibuka kepada orang ramai menjelang awal tahun depan, pusat ini akan menjadi satu lagi daya tarikan eko dan alam semula jadi bagi membolehkan Sandakan memainkan peranannya di peringkat sejagat dalam mempromosi usaha pemuliharaan. Ia juga akan meningkatkan kesedaran semua pihak tentang nasib hidupan liar serta merancakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi tempatan melalui usaha niaga berkaitan pelancongan dan limpahan manfaaat daripadanya.

"Kami harap dapat terus menggalakkan masyarakat tempatan, terutama peniaga, untul menyumbang ke arah pemuliharaan Beruang Madu. Mereka boleh menjadi tenaga penggerak dalam membentuk pendapat orang ramai berhubung spesies itu dan usaha pemuliharaanya," kata Siew Te dalam kenyataan di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata, penduduk tempatan sepatutnya berbangga kerana pusat itu terletak di kawasan mereka dan menambah bahawa acara mengumpul derma itu memberi kesedaran kepada banyak pihak apabila ia diberi liputan meluas oleh media, termasuk dalam program bual bicara melalui NTV7 dan temu bual melalui radio.

Siew Te mengucapkan terima kasih kepada sukarelawan dan anggota jawatankuasa acara kutipan derma itu kerana sanggup berkorban masa dan tenaga kerana sayangkan Beruang Madu.

"Kami dapati penduduk Sandakan dan kawasan lain di Sabah menyokong usaha ini apabila mereka sanggup membeli tiket bagi acara berkenaan. Ada yang berebut-rebut menyaingi satu sama lain untuk membeli tiga foto Beruang Madu yang dilelong," katanya.

BSBCC melaksanakan usaha pemuliharaan haian berkenaan melalui pendekatan holistik yang melibatkan usaha kebajikan, pemulihan, penyelidikan dan pendidikan hingga menjadikannya satu-satunya pusat pemuliharaan Beruang Madu sepertinya di dunia.

Pusat itu ditubuhkan pada 2008 hasil kerjasama antara Jabatan Hidupan Liar Sabah, Jabatan Perhutanan Sabah dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan Land Empowerment Animals People (LEAP). Kini, pusat itu menempatkan 28 Beruang Madu yang diselamatkan daripada hutan dan kedai jualan haiwan.

Terletak bersebelahan Pusat Pemulihan Orang Utan Sepilok, pusat berkenaan memberi penjagaan kepada Beruang Madu yang kehilangan ibu bapa dan diselamatkan daripada kurungan, sebelum dilepaskan kembali ke hutan, manakala yang tidak mampu menjalani kehidupan secara liar pula, disediakan persekitaran lebih baik untuk mereka habiskan sisa usia.

Kehilangan habitat, diburu untuk memenuhi permintaan dalam perniagaan perubatan tradisional dan untuk dijadikan haiwan peliharaan merupakan antara punca utama jumlah beruang madu merosot sekurang-kurangnya 30 peratus sejak tiga dekad lepas.

Pengerusi acara kutipan derma itu Anton Ngui berkata Beruang Madu adalah antara warisan semula jadi Sabah yang terkenal di seluruh dunia.

"Kita patut berbangga dengan Beruang Madu kita, seperti rakyat China berbangga dengan panda mereka dan rakyat Australia dengan Beruang Koala mereka. - BERNAMA

InsightSabah : A sanctuary to better protect Sabah’s Borneo elephants

The first phase of the Bornean Elephant Sanctuary project, which costs RM1.8 million, has now been completed. This project was undertaken by the Borneo Conservation Trust.

According to the Trust’s head of conservation and research, Raymond Alfred, the first phase of the sanctuary project was funded by their conservation partners from Japan, namely the Asahiyama Zoo, Suraya, Hunting World, Tokio Marine, NTT Data Kirin, Taiseh and Yusen Logistics. They described this joint-venture project as 'ongaeshi' – ‘giving back to nature’.The completed project comprises an elephant handling paddock, staff quarters and a storage building.

Alfred said the second phase of the sanctuary costing between RM25 million and RM30 million on a 25-hectare land has already begun and is expected to be completed by year end."For this project, the Malaysia Palm Oil Council (MPOC) has already allocated RM5.2 million.," Alfred said.

He added that the MPOC is also providing financial support for the preparation of the Borneo Elephant Sanctuary master plan covering Lot 8 of the Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary. Alfred explained that MPOC's contribution and support for the project was very important, as the delineation of the project is likely to involve some land acquisition as well as negotiations with oil palm companies that were found to have encroached into riparian reserves.

Malay Version
Fasa pertama projek Santuari Gajah Borneo yang menelan kos RM1.8 juta, kini sudah selesai. Projek ini dilaksanakan oleh Conservation Trust Borneo.

Menurut ketua pemuliharaan dan penyelidikan Trust, Raymond Alfred, fasa pertama projek perlindungan itu dibiayai oleh rakan-rakan pemuliharaan mereka dari Jepun iaitu Zoo Asahiyama, Suraya, Hunting World, Tokio Marine, NTT Data Kirin, Taiseh dan Yusen Logistik . Mereka menyifatkan projek usahasama ini sebagai 'ongaeshi' - 'memberi kembali kepada alam semula jadi'. Projek siap terdiri daripada cara mengendalikan gajah, kuarters kakitangan dan bangunan penyimpanan.

Alfred berkata, fasa kedua santuari berharga di antara RM25 juta dan RM30 juta di atas tanah seluas 25 hektar dan sudah bermula dan dijangka siap menjelang akhir tahun ini. "Bagi projek ini, Majlis Minyak Sawit Malaysia (MPOC) sudah memperuntukkan RM5.2 juta," kata Alfred.

Beliau berkata, MPOC juga menyediakan sokongan kewangan untuk menyediakan pelan induk Borneo Elephant Sanctuary yang meliputi Lot 8 daripada Santuari Perlindungan Hidupan Liar Kinabatangan. Alfred menjelaskan, sumbangan dan sokongan MPOC untuk projek ini adalah sangat penting, memandangkan persempadanan projek itu mungkin membabitkan pengambilan tanah serta rundingan dengan syarikat-syarikat kelapa sawit yang didapati menceroboh dalam rizab riparian.....- Insight Sabah

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Kerajaan Sabah Berjaya Lindungi Ekosistem Marin

Usaha memerangi aktiviti bom ikan memerlukan penglibatan semua pihak termasuk anggota masyarakat demi memastikan khazanah alam yang ada tidak terus terjejas atau dirosakkan, khususnya terumbu karang yang menjadi habitat hidupan marin. Semporna misalnya banyak bergantung kepada sumber-sumber alam marinnya untuk menjana dana kepada daerah ini. Jesteru, sebarang kaedah pengeksploitasian sumber marin yang menyalahi undang-undang perlu dihentikan serta-merta bagi memastikan khazanah alam dapat dimanfaatkan secara terus-menerus untuk generasi akan datang.

Aktiviti bom ikan adalah satu ancaman yang perlu ditangani segera kerana kegiatan itu yang sudah wujud semenjak bermulanya era Perang Dunia Kedua memberikan kesan buruk kepada penurunan bilangan populasi hidupan marin seperti ikan di Semporna. Situasi ini bukan sahaja boleh mendatangkan kerugian kepada para nelayan, malah turut menjejaskan industri pelancongan di daerah itu yang banyak bergantung kepada sumber-sumber marin. Jesteru, pelbagai langkah telah diambil oleh kerajaan bagi menangani masalah itu antaranya termasuklah melalui penguatkuasaan undang-undang, mewartakan lebih banyak pulau sebagai taman marin serta penganjuran kempen-kempen kesedaran.

Sepanjang tahun lepas, Pasukan Polis Marin (PPM) berjaya mengesan 11 kes mengebom ikan yang disiasat mengikut Akta Bahan Letupan dan 10 kes lagi di bawah Seksyen 26 (1) (c) Akta Perikanan 1985 iaitu memiliki ikan yang ditangkap menggunakan bom. Namun setakat Julai tahun ini, tidak ada kes seumpama itu berlaku terutamanya di perairan pantai timur Sabah. Perkembangan ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa pihak berkuasa berjaya menangani masalah ini selepas melaksanakan pelbagai inisiatif yang mana turut melibatkan komitmen dikalangan orang awam, aktivis dan NGO. 

Malah, pelancaran Ops Daulat pada Februari lepas bagi mengesan dan memberkas pengganas dari Selatan Filipina yang menceroboh pantai Timur Sabah (kini dikenali sebagai Ops Sanggah), turut menyumbang kepada penurunan kes pengeboman ikan kerana pada waktu itu kawalan perairan sungguh ketat dimana pelbagai agensi keselamatan dilihat berkawal di sepanjang perairan pantai timur Sabah. Perkembangan positif ini bukan sahaja membawa berita baik kepada warga nelayan dan pengusaha industri pelancongan, malah yang paling penting sekali, sumber marin negeri ini akan terus terpelihara untuk manfaat generasi akan datang.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Set up marine education centre in Semporna – rep

SEMPORNA: Sulabayan assemblyman Datuk Dr Haji Jaujan Sambakong has suggested a marine education centre be set up in Semporna to further enhance the growth of marine education and research work here.

He said the marine education centre would be a teaching and resource centre for the local community as well as visiting researchers.

“It will be a resource bank where results of marine researches, studies, historical background and culture can be stored for use by the local community to learn and be educated.

“It will also be a research centre for marine scientists from Malaysia and overseas, as well as a tourist centre where visitors can learn more about the wealth of marine life in the region,” he said during a recent event hosted by WWF-Malaysia in appreciation of the support for the conservation work it was doing in the region.

Also present were representatives from Semporna District Office, Sabah Parks, Sabah Wildlife Department, Sabah Fisheries Department, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, Semporna District Education Office, Semporna District Mosque, Semporna District Library, Persatuan Wanita Pulau Omadal (WAPO), Green Semporna volunteers, Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) and head of villages from the island communities, and representatives from the tourism industry and schools.

WWF-Malaysia’s Conservation director, Dr Sundari Ramakrishna, welcomed the proposal to set up a marine education centre in Semporna.

“This is a noble idea. WWF-Malaysia has been advocating community engagement and education for local communities and green tourism. The centre will go a long way in support of the marine conservation work that we are involved in here,” said Dr Sundari.

The event also included a presentation on WWF-Malaysia’s work in Semporna Priority Conservation Area by its deputy manager of Sulu Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion Programme, Monique Sumampouw, and an introductory talk on the work of Persatuan Wanita Pulau Omadal in marine conservation by its head, Roziah bte Jalalip.

Handicrafts made from Pandanus leaves found on Omadal island were also exhibited as alternatives to sustainable income for fishing communities in the region where poverty is a great threat to fight against. TheBorneoPost

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sabah in no rush to send rhinos overseas for breeding

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah is in no rush to send its rhinos to zoos abroad for breeding amid fears that the animal faces extinction in Borneo, said state Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun.

He said it would be the state’s last resort to send rhinos overseas for breeding.

“We are looking at all available options and the most important thing is to ensure that these animals will not become extinct,” he said.

“However, to send them overseas will be our last resort,” he said at the Sabah Muslim Cabinet ministers’ Hari Raya open house at Likas Sports Complex on Saturday.

Asked about the growing calls for the near extinct rhinos to be sent to a US zoo for breeding purposes, Masidi said that it was hard to get rhinos to mate due to geographical factors.

“Rhinos are loners. They don’t really move in packs.It makes it much ,more difficult for our rhinos to find mates,” he said.

However, he said he would study various recommendations from experts before discussing with the Cabinet on the options to ensure the species survives in Sabah.

Source: The Star

Monday, August 5, 2013

Tree planting session

Sandakan: Members of Sandakan District Tennis Association (SDTA) and Lions Club of Sandakan Selingan took part in a tree-planting session at the SDTA clubhouse compound.

Sandakan District Tennis Association Hon. Secretary Benno Ong said the Lions were led by their President Cyrina Au while SDTA President Taren Sunil Manoharan was present with his committee and fellow tennis players.

Also present were visiting Lions dignitaries including their District Governor Kung Kuok Yiew, his predecessor James Teo, Cabinet Secretary Lawrence Ting and Zone 16 Chairman Raymond Saw.

Cyrina said that when Lions Club of Sandakan Selingan initiated the project they decided to invite SDTA to join them because members of both organisations shared a similar desire to help protect and keep the environment green.

Meanwhile, SDTA President Taren Sunil pointed out that this is the second time that they are jointly planting trees to support the environment.

"With the unrelenting pace of urban development we are witnessing very fast growth of a 'concrete jungle' and we sorely need 'green lungs' amidst all the concrete, steel and glass buildings."

He said with the SDTA tennis complex located within Sandakan district, both Lions and SDTA felt that the place is ideal to serve as a little green lung for the town folk.

"We do have a large compound already planted with different species of trees and plants. With this planting campaign we have added another 46 new saplings to further 'green up' our place. We hope to make our SDTA tennis complex one of the green lungs for our town."

"This tree planting effort is in fact part of a worldwide project by the numerous international Lions Clubs to get 20 million trees planted around the globe this year and both Lions Club Sandakan Selingan and SDTA are proud to have played a small role towards achieving that goal," he elaborated, thanking Lions Club of Sandakan Selingan for choosing the SDTA premises as the venue for the project.

"We also wish to record our thanks to the Sabah Forestry Department for having donated trees and given advice on suitable species to plant in our compound," said Taren. - dailyexpress

Thursday, August 1, 2013

InsightSabah : Sun Bear conservation is a community effort

BSBCC founder and chief executive officer Wong Siew Te with a Sun Bear cub. - Photo courtesy of BSBCC

Nature and wildlife conservation works are not the sole concern of the government, non-governmental organizations (NGO) and researchers. The whole society has an active role to play too.

Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC) founder and chief executive officer, Wong Siew Te said as both humans and wildlife are part of the ecosystem, there must be willingness on the part of the people to get involved whenever they can to save the threatened species.

Citing the recent 'Big Dreams, Little Bears' event which was held Sandakan on July 20th, Wong said that BSBCC worked with a group of local volunteers to raise RM443,000 - covering almost a quarter of the RM2 million budget for this year to complete a second bear house, create an additional forest enclosure and other work.

“I hope the people of Sandakan will get a sense of ownership of the Centre because it is through their involvement, one way or another, that has helped the facility come this far and which will drive it further," said Wong, adding that habitat loss, poaching for parts used in traditional medicine and the pet trade are among key threats to the Sun Bear population. This has led to a decline by at least 30 per cent of the Sun Bear population in the last three decades.

Once the Centre is opened to the public by early next year, it will become an important eco-tourism attraction that would allow Sandakan to do more to promote conservation.

The Centre, which was set up in 2008 under a partnership between the Sabah Wildlife Department, Sabah Forestry Department and NGO Land Empowerment Animals People (LEAP), is currently home to 28 bears rescued from the wild and from unauthorized homes. It is also the first facility of its kind in the world for Sun Bears.

A boardwalk leading to the viewing platform at the BSBCC in Sandakan. The Centre is scheduled to be open to the public next year. - Photo courtesy of BSBCC

Located next to the Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre, the Centre's main objective is to create a rehabilitation, research and education facility to help bears released from captivity to find its way back to the wild. The centre also provides habitat for those that can no loner return to the wild. - Insight Sabah

Some of the 500 students who turned up for the documentary screening on Sun Bears in a happy mood after learning more about the species. - Photo courtesy of BSBCC