Monday, January 16, 2012

Keeping Malaysia clean and green

The 1Malaysia Green, 1Malaysia Clean Campaign or 1MG1MC, was launched on July 18, 2010 by Minister of Tourism, Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen. A brilliant and innovative tourism campaign, the 1MG1MC aims to instil a cleanliness mindset among Malaysians, particularly at tourist spots.

It is also to create an awareness of the importance of keeping tourist spots clean and to inculcate in the mind of Malaysians the importance of preserving the beauty and cleanliness of the country.

Through campaigns such as 1Malaysia Green, 1Malaysia Clean, the Ministry of Tourism believes it will help the ministry to answer the call by the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

The government aims to improve the tourism industry which would provide 2.7 million jobs in the industry by 2015.

In ensuring the success of the 1Malaysia Green, 1Malaysia Clean campaign, the Ministry of Tourism has been working closely with four other ministries – Ministry of housing and Local Government, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of education and Ministry of Nature Resources and environment.

Apart from collaborating with the ministries, the campaign has also involved several non-governmental organisations, the private sector, Kelab Pelacongan Pelajar and Kuala Lumpur City hall to participate in some of the campaign programmes.

To enhance the success of the campaign, the Ministry of Tourism has also launched the www. 1malaysiagreenandclean. website which is an integral part of the campaign. It highlights and addresses issues pertaining to clean or dirty tourist spots.

The website enables the public and tourists to upload pictures of any spots, especially tourist areas which are clean or those that need upkeeping.

Among the activities and programmes under the 1Malaysia Green and 1Malaysia Clean campaign are:

* Plan A Tree project at homestays registered with the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia. This project is to encourage foreign tourists to plant a tree at the homestay before leaving for their country.

* “Gotong-royong” activities at tourist spots. l Collaborating with food and drinks associations and hawkers to implement a “Cleanest hawker Stall” competition.

* Collaborating with taxi associations and organising a “Cleanest Taxi” contest and ensuring knowledgeable and respectable drivers.

* Organising a “Cleanest Mall” competition. l Collaboration with Giant hypermarket to place the 1Malaysia Green, 1Malaysia Clean campaign logo on Giant shopping bags.

* A special TV programme for children that will feature “Mr Bin” to emphasise to children the importance of keeping the environment clean.

* Collaborating with print and electronic media to publicise the “1Malaysia Green, 1Malaysia Clean” campaign.

* Collaborating with highway companies to distribute 1Malaysia Green, 1Malaysia Clean stickers at selected toll plazas and R&R (rest and relax) areas to increase awareness of the campaign.

* Organising a “Spot the ‘1Malaysia Green, 1Malaysia Clean’ car stickers” competition.


Green Sabah says: The 1Malaysia Green, 1Malaysia Clean Campaign (1MG1MC) is a brilliant effort in implementing cleanliness awareness among Malaysians, especially in places that a tourist attraction. This campaign not only requires the cooperation of certain bodies, but it is everyone's responsibility to ensure the success of this campaign. Hopefully this campaign will show positive results and boost the tourism industry in our country.


Mohd Ishak said...

Menjaga kebersihan adalah tanggungjawab semua lapisan masyarakat supaya boleh menjaga keindahan dan keselesaan persekitaran.

Mohd Ishak said...

Harap kempen-kempen seperti ini akan membantu memupuk kesedaran rakyat mengenai kepentingan menjaga kebersihan alam sekitar.

DorianG said...

let's make our city, our state clean....don't be a litter bug

DorianG said...

This will give tourists a very positive impression.

Kris Jr said...

The campaign is very good to be implementing in Sabah. Hopefully our State will always clean and green.

Anonymous said...

we should support this campaign to keep our environment clean and green. good effort!

Anonymous said... many 1Malaysia campaigns. But I think it's good to remind us that it is our responsibility to make this campaign a success.

Hamdan Hadillah said...

Kita perlu menyokong untuk memastikan Malaysia akan terus memaju dan membangun namun keindahan alam tidak boleh dilupakan dan dimusnahkan. Perlu dipelihara dan dijaga.

nickko said...

menjayakan initiatif ini bukan satu tugas yang mudah.. jika rakyat sendiri tidak bekerjasama, sampai bila2 pun initiatif ini tidak akan dapat dilaksanakan..

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