Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sabah’s five-year Action Plans

Sabah’s five-year Action Plans for the State’s keystone species, orang-utan, elephant and rhino will be officially launched at the opening of the Sabah Wildlife Conservation Colloquium (SWCC) here Monday.

The SWCC is jointly organised by the Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD) and the Malaysian Palm Oil Council and aims to bring together the governmental agencies, non-governmental organisations, universities and private companies including the oil palm and tourism sector.

In addition, five Memoranda of Understanding will also be signed by the SWD with various partners at the event to be held at the Le Meridien Hotel.

According to the SWCC Secretariat, 250 people including international participants have registered to attend the Colloquium over a two-day period.

The Colloquium will address wildlife issues in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsula Malaysia as well as the role of funding from corporate and non-corporate bodies in wildlife conservation.

This is the second wildlife conference co-organised by both parties since the 2009 Orang-utan Conservation Colloquium held at the Shangri-La Rasa Ria in Tuaran.

The organisers recently paid a courtesy call on Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment Datuk Masidi Manjun to brief him on the SWCC at his office.

GreenSabah says: A good effort to bring all walks of life together to enhance the move on preserving the wildlife in Sabah. No matter the government, non governmental organizations and citizens all played an important part in protecting the environment.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully more fund can be collected to support this effort on preserving the wildlife in Sabah.

Anonymous said...

semoga hidupan liar di Sabah akan terpelihara sepenuhnhya.

Mohd Ishak said...

Harap usaha ini boleh membantu pemuliharaan dan pemeliharaan haiwan liar di Sabah.

Mohd Ishak said...

Harap SWCC ini akan menyatukan semua pihak dalam usaha ini. Setuju dengan Green Sabah bahawa semua pihak termasuklah kerajaan, bukan kerajaan dan individu memainkan peranan yang penting dalam penjagaan alam sekitar.

Kris Jr said...

Hopefully all the wildlife protected.

DorianG said...

Hopefully those from the corporate sector will perform their Corporate social responsibilities (CSR)by joining in the effort

DorianG said...

Hopefully with these efforts, these endangers species will be well protected for our future generations

nickko said...

make sure this five-year action plan will run smoothly and will be able to achieve the objectives of the plan..

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