Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Orang utan need quality forests

Orang utan need quality forests

KOTA KINABALU, Malaysia - A wildlife study has reaffirmed the need for large swaths of forests for the orang utan to survive.
Sabah Wildlife Department director Laurentius Ambu said the findings by Malaysian, British and Swiss researchers were further proof that the orang utan needed high-quality natural forests.
"Ultimately, a sufficient network of high-quality natural forest and dispersal corridors must be restored across Borneo and Sumatra to allow the orang utan to disperse naturally," he said.
"It is a big challenge; governments, industries and NGOs should work hand-in-hand to achieve it."
The study, conducted by researchers from the Institute of Anthropology in Zurich, Switzerland, Danau Girang Field Centre (DGFC) in Sabah and Cardiff University in Britain, was published in the scientific journal Molecular Ecology recently.
DGFC director Benoit Goosens said the findings showed that the male orang utan would traverse longer distances than the females.
This was based on faecal samples collected from male orang utan at seven sites in Borneo, including Kinabatangan South and North and Danum Valley in Sabah, and two in Sumatra.
"During a previous study published in 2006, a drastic decline in the orang utan population size was discovered, mostly due to habitat loss," said Goosens.

Green Sabah:  The government and Orang Utans definitely need to work hand in hand to ensure the wildlife protection are successful.


Hinamori said...

Orang utan harus dilindungi

azman said...

usaha untuk memulihara dan memelihara setiap spesis yang ada harus sentiasa diaksanakan.

azman said...

harap spesis orang utan akan terus kekal untuk generasi masa depan.

Anak Sabah said...

Orang Utan sememangnya memerlukan habitat yang luas untuk mereka hidup bebas. Saya rasa kerajaan akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk melindungi haiwan liar yang kian pupus seperti ini, dengan adanya bantuan daripada NGO, kita pasi boleh melakukanya.

Anak Sabah said...

Selama ini kerajaan Sabah meletakkan usaha dan perhatian terhadap pelindungan hutan dan juga haiwan liar dalam negeri, ini adalah tindakan yang amat mengagumkan. Kerajaan Sabah patut menerima pujian atas usaha mereka.

Anonymous said...

spesies ini harus dilindungi agar ia terus kekal.

Unknown said...

Berikan perlindungan kepada orang Utans yang terkenal di Sabah ini. Ini juga merupakan antara tarikkan pelancong datang ke Sabah.

Green Sabah said...

The Orang Utan is also an endangered species that needs to be protected, to prevent them from ever going extinct.

Green Sabah said...

The Sabah State government is putting in more efforts to preserve these species for the future, we can count on them since they seem to be doing a good job on it.

Green Sabah said...

Yes, Anak Sabah. With the help of many NGO's and private organizations, the forest conservation and Wildlife protection are going well.

Green Sabah said...

Our CM Musa Aman was also been named a conservationist par excellence by the Britain’s Royal Society. This is a good acknowledgement about the Sabah government's effort environment conservation.

Read More: http://sabah-go-green.blogspot.com/2012/02/musa-aman-conservationist-par.html

Green Sabah said...

The Orang Utan are indeed one of the attractions for tourist worldwide. However study shows that Orang Utan can also get stressed when faced with too much tourist, we hoped they will do their best to make the Orang Utan more comfortable.

Mumbai said...

kalau tidak silap, kajian terbaru menunjukkan populasi orang utan telah meningkat di Sabah.. ini menunjukkan usaha kerajaan negeri dan NGO sangat berkesan dalam melindungi spesis terancam ini..

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