ScienceDaily (Mar. 29, 2007) —
Fewer big sharks in the oceans mean that bay scallops and other
shellfish may be harder to find at the market, according to an article
in the March 30 issue of the journal Science, tying two unlikely links
in the food web to the same fate.
A team of Canadian and American ecologists, led by world-renowned
fisheries biologist Ransom Myers at Dalhousie University, has found that
overfishing the largest predatory sharks, such as the bull, great
white, dusky, and hammerhead sharks, along the Atlantic Coast of the
United States has led to an explosion of their ray, skate, and small
shark prey species.
"With fewer sharks around, the species they prey upon -- like cownose
rays -- have increased in numbers, and in turn, hordes of cownose rays
dining on bay scallops, have wiped the scallops out," says co-author
Julia Baum of Dalhousie.
"This ecological event is having a large impact on local communities
that depend so much on healthy fisheries," says Charles Peterson, a
professor of marine sciences biology and ecology at the Institute of
Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and
co-leader of the study.
The research builds upon an earlier study by Myers and Baum,
published in Science in 2003, which used data from commercial fisheries
to show rapid declines in the great sharks of the northwest Atlantic
since the mid-1980s. Now, by examining a dozen different research
surveys from 1970-2005 along the eastern U.S. coast, the research team
has found that their original study underestimated the extent of the
declines: scalloped hammerhead and tiger sharks may have declined by
more than 97 percent; bull, dusky, and smooth hammerhead sharks by more
than 99 percent.
"Large sharks have been functionally eliminated from the east coast
of the U.S., meaning that they can no longer perform their ecosystem
role as top predators," says Baum. "The extent of the declines shouldn't
be a surprise considering how heavily large sharks have been fished in
recent decades to meet the growing worldwide demand for shark fins and
Sharks are targeted in numerous fisheries, and they also are snagged
as bycatch in fisheries targeting tunas and swordfish in both U.S. and
high seas fisheries. As many as 73 million sharks are killed worldwide
each year for the finning trade, and the number is escalating rapidly.
Ecologists have long predicted that the demise of top predators could
trigger destructive consequences. Researching such effects, however,
has been a challenge.
"This is the first published field experiment to demonstrate that the
loss of sharks is cascading through ocean ecosystems and inflicting
collateral damage on food fisheries such as scallops," says Ellen
Pikitch, a professor at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of
Marine and Atmospheric Science and executive director of the Pew
Institute for Ocean Science. "These unforeseen and devastating impacts
underscore the need to take a more holistic ecosystem-based approach to
fisheries management."
As great shark populations plummeted, their elasmobranch prey--rays,
skates, and smaller sharks--increased considerably, according to
research surveys looking at the past 16 to 35 years. Cownose rays are
most conspicuous among the 12 species showing increases because of their
near-shore migrations. With an average population increase of about
eight percent per year, the east coast cownose ray population may now
number as many as 40 million. The rays, which can grow to be more than
four feet across, eat large quantities of bivalves, including bay
scallops, oysters, soft-shell and hard clams, in the bays and estuaries
they frequent during summer and migrate through during fall and spring.
In the early 1980s when Peterson sampled bay scallops in North
Carolina sounds in late summer before and after the cownose rays passed
through, he found that most scallops survived the ray predation,
allowing the scallop population to support a fishery and still replenish
itself each year. In contrast, sampling by Peterson and co-author Sean
Powers in recent years--after the cownose ray population
explosion--showed that the migrating rays consumed nearly all adult bay
scallops in the area, except those protected inside fences that the
researchers had put up to keep the rays out. By 2004, cownose rays had
completely devastated the scallop population, terminating North
Carolina's century-old bay scallop fishery.
"Increased predation by cownose rays also may inhibit recovery of
oysters and clams from the effects of overexploitation, disease, habitat
destruction, and pollution, which already have depressed these
species," says Peterson, noting shellfish declines in areas occupied by
cownose rays and examples of stable or growing shellfish populations in
areas beyond the ray's northernmost limit.
Ecosystem effects of increases in the other ray, skate, and smaller
shark species are unknown, but like the cownose ray, may also be
cascading down to species lower in the food web.
"Despite the difficulty of piecing together ecosystem impacts of
overfishing," co-author Travis Shepherd of Dalhousie emphasizes, "the
real challenge will be to move beyond retrospective analyses and instead
prevent ecosystem-wide changes from happening in the first place."
"Our study provides evidence that the loss of great sharks triggers
changes that cascade throughout coastal food webs," says Baum.
"Solutions include enhancing protection of great sharks by substantially
reducing fishing pressure on all of these species and enforcing bans on
shark finning both in national waters and on the high seas."
"Maintaining the populations of top predators is critical for
sustaining healthy oceanic ecosystems," says Peterson. "Despite the
vastness of the oceans, its organisms are interconnected, meaning that
changes at one level have implications several steps removed. Through
our work, the ocean is not so unfathomable, and we know better now why
sharks matter."
This research is a contribution of the Pew Global Shark Assessment,
funded by the Pew Institute for Ocean Science. The study also was
supported by the Killam Trusts, the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada, the North Carolina Fisheries Resource Grants
Program, the University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences,
the Sloan Census of Marine Life, and the U.S. National Science
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Green Sabah: Every living things have their own purpose in the ecosystem, sharks may be fearsome and dangerous animal but they do serve an important role in the marine ecology. Therefore there is need to protect them to prevent them getting extinct as this will affect the ecosystem badly.
We must protect the sharks in Sabah because this will cause disruption to the marine ecosystem.
Its all part of the circle of life.
I liked the way you use circle of life to describe this, indeed its true. Without sharks, the bay scallops and other shellfish will be eaten up by the cownose rays and so the cycle goes on.
Every living things on earth are interdependent on each other, without one, the other will suffer, it was all interconnecting.
ikan YU harus kita lindungi, penangkapannya telah diharamkan di Sabah.
Thanks to the government effort to ban shark hunting, we are able to protect the sharks.
Keseimbangan eko harus dipeliharan.
Pembekalan akan berterusan jika permintaan berterusan.
Ketatkan undang-undang.
Stop consume sharkfin will reduce the supply.
Tindakan harus diambil dan pihak berkuasa harus memantau aktiviti sebegini.
We need to cooperation to safe our ecosystem.
that's why the Fisheries Act must be amended to include a new provision to protect all types of sharks found in Sabah..
Amend Fisheries Act to protect sharks in Sabah
not only marine ecosystem, but our tourism industry would also be affected badly..
Sabahans will be affected if sharks extinct
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